Friday, January 22, 2016

Looking to Shed Pounds in the New Year

Looking to shed pounds in the New Year? Perhaps you’ve dieted and lost weight, only to regain it again. It can be frustrating, but the good news is that long-term weight loss is possible. While there’s no magic pill, decades of research have yielded clear strategies for increasing your chances for success.

Here are 5 strategies proven to help you lose weight:

1. Keep a Food Journal
It may sound too good to be true, but there is one simple strategy that can help you double your weight loss: write down everything you eat and drink.
Studies indicate that writing down what you eat can help you lose weight and keep it off.
With apps like LoseIt and MyFitnessPal, it’s easier than ever to keep track of meals, snacks and beverages. And if you want to go low-tech, a simple notebook will do.

2. Get on the Scale
Afraid of stepping on the scale? You shouldn’t be. Regular weigh-ins are one of your best weapons in the battle of the bulge. According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, researchers reported that people who weighed themselves daily lost about three times as much weight as those who were more lax about stepping on the scale. In fact daily weight checkers lost an average of 20 pounds, compared to an average of just seven pounds for those who weighed themselves only five days per week.

3. Eat at Home
Prepare more meals at home. A recent study published by Public Health Nutrition found that people who eat at fast-food or full-service restaurants consume an extra 200 calories per day on average compared to those eating at home. Those calories added up to about 10% of their total daily intake. What’s more, the researchers found that people who ate out consumed more sugar, salt and saturated fat.

4. Know Your Portions
You may not realize it, but we live in a ‘super-sized’ culture. Looking at data from national surveys involving more than 60,000 Americans, researchers found that serving sizes have gotten bigger over the past 20 years – not only at fast-food chains and other restaurants, but even in homes. How much bigger? The study found that hamburgers have increased by 23%; soft drinks are 52% larger; and snack foods like potato chips and pretzels are a whopping 60% bigger.
It’s no coincidence that as portions have grown, so have waistlines. In the 1960s, 45% of Americans were overweight or obese. Today that number is nearing 70%!
When we’re given larger portions, we eat and drink more. One way to fight back against supersizing is to use smaller plates, bowls and silverware.
When dining out, a simple rule to follow is to eat half of what is served. Have the server put the rest in a take-away bag and you’ll have a second meal for later.

5. Turn off the careful what you watch
Put down that remote and step away from the TV. The more time you spend watching television or staring at a computer screen, the less time you have for just about everything else, including physical activity.
What’s more, what you watch can influence how much you eat! Researchers at Hobart and William Smith Colleges found that viewing just 10 minutes of a food show may lead to cravings and overeating.
Tempted to watch TV? Limit viewing to just 2-3 hours a week and avoid watching food and cooking shows.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Body Reset Diet

Body Reset Diet:
The aim:
Jump-start your metabolism, reboot your system and set yourself up for sustained weight loss.
Low-calorie Diet: These diets provide far fewer calories than is generally recommended, which leads to weight loss.

The claim:
By getting most of your nutrients through smoothies and then incorporating solid food back in your diet over the course of 15 days, you’ll “reset” your body, lose weight quickly and sustain that weight loss long term.

The theory:
While many diets will help you lose weight while you’re on the diet, the results are often not sustainable. Instead, you need to restart your metabolism and kick it into gear. By eating a low-calorie plant-based diet made up mostly of smoothies over the course of 15 days, you can train your body to use energy more efficiently and burn calories faster, even while you’re asleep. Combine this with resistance exercise three days per week, and you’ll set yourself up for long-term, sustained weight loss.

The Body Reset Diet was created by celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak, who holds a masters degree in exercise physiology and nutritional sciences from the University of Toronto and co-hosted ABC’s daytime talk show “The Revolution” in 2012. Pasternak has worked with celebrities such as Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Kanye West and Bono.

Will you lose weight?
Probably. There isn’t any clinical evidence behind the diet, but sticking to smoothies full of fruits and vegetables will likely result in a calorie deficit, which would help pounds drop off. How quickly and whether you keep the weight off, however, is up to you.