Saturday, June 16, 2018

10 exercises to do at home no weights just a workout band and a chair

10 exercises to do at home no weights just a workout band
and a chair (Please make sure you are cleared by a physician before starting any exercise program if you have any health issues) Do each exercise 12 reps and two or three sets
Warm-up - march in place for 10 minutes, bring knees up as high as you can.
1. Pushups
2. Squats - stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart sit back and tap your butt on the chair, do not sit down (Make sure your knees do not go over your toes when you are squating) return to starting position.
3. 2 Arm Row with a band - wrap band around the back of the chair grab the left handle with left hand and right handle with right hand, pull band to waste.
4. Alternating Lunges - Stand tall, with your toes facing forward and your feet spaced approximately one foot apart.
Carefully step your right foot back approximately three feet behind. Look down at your left leg. Ideally, your knee should be bent at a right angle with your thigh parallel to the ground. As you exhale, push off the ground with your right foot, coming back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
5. Chest Press seated on chair - wrap band around back of chair chair grip the end of the band with both hands and push forward, return to starting position.
6. Seated Leg extension - sit in char and lift leg up off the chair one at a time
7. Bicep Curls with a band - stand on the middle of the band grasp the ends of the band and curl up. Make sure you keep your elbows against your sides with moving them.
8. Hip Thrust - Lie on the your back on the ground. Bend your knees with feet flat on the floor, lift you butt off the ground hold for 2 seconds and return to starting position.
9. Dips - Stand in front of a chair. Sit down on the edge of the seat and place your hands behind your hips.Your hands should be on the edge of the seat and shoulder width apart.
Lift your buns off of the seat and walk your feet forward. Slowly lower your body downward.Be careful that your elbows don’t bend to an angle smaller than 90 degrees. Extend your arms, raising your body upward and supporting your weight with your arms. Repeat
10. Calf Raises - Begin by standing in front of a step, feet shoulder width apart, facing forward. Step up onto the step with both feet, holding on a rail, and letting heels hang off the edge. Toes should be on step. Rise up onto your toes as high as possible in one smooth motion. Hold for a couple seconds. Slowly lower heels as far as possible, below the step level. Return to starting position.

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